Martin A. Wilder, Jr.
Martin Wilder is Chief of Staff at the University of Mary Washington. He works closely with the President, providing essential advice and counsel on all matters related to the University. He also serves as Clerk of the Board of Visitors, providing organizational and logistical support to the Board.
Dr. Wilder has served Mary Washington in various administrative capacities since joining the staff in 1979. Wilder has overseen the institution’s student recruitment, admission, and enrollment functions. He has also provided leadership in the areas of external relations, communications, marketing, and student services.
Wilder previously worked as a guidance counselor and director of guidance in the Stafford County Public Schools. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in History, a Master of Education in Counseling, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, all from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
Dr. Wilder has been active in regional and national professional organizations, including the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). He was a member of the Spotsylvania County School Board from 1994 through 2011 and twice served as school board chair. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Mary Washington Healthcare, a large regional healthcare organization.