During the week of June 25-29, I will be participating in the meeting of The General Professional Advisory Committee (GPAC), an advisory group of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). The GPAC meeting will be followed by the regular meeting of the Council of Presidents. Both groups are comprised of the presidents of Virginia’s public institutions of higher education and the meetings are held in Richmond.
On Wednesday, June 27, I will attend the Higher Education Advisory Committee (HEAC) meeting in Richmond. I recently was appointed to serve on this committee. In addition to hearing remarks from Governor McDonnell, the committee will receive information on Virginia’s workforce needs, budget, and higher education performance measures.
Along with a busy schedule of meetings on the UMW campus, I will participate this week in activities of the Fredericksburg Area Chamber of Commerce and the Rappahannock United Way. I believe it is important to offer leadership and service to these and other organizations that are doing good work within our community.