Office Staff

Staff from the Office of the President

President’s Staff (left to right):Susan Worrell, Martin Wilder, Pam Verbeck, President Hurley, Betsy Chinn, Leah Cox

Alphabetical Listing of Staff Reporting to the President

Betsy J. Chinn
Office Manager & Deputy Clerk for BOV
Phone: (540) 654-1301
George Washington Hall, Room 103

Leah K. Cox
Special Assistant to the President for Diversity and Inclusion
Phone: (540) 654-1263
George Washington Hall, Room 113

Pamela J. Verbeck
Executive Office Manager
Phone: (540) 654-1231
George Washington Hall, Room 103

Martin A. Wilder, Jr.
Chief of Staff
Phone: (540) 654-1301
George Washington Hall, Room 102

Susan B. Worrell
Special Assistant to the President for University Events
Phone: (540) 654-1086
George Washington Hall, Room 111