Click the titles of the committees below to learn about the roles and membership of each.
Enrollment Management and Retention Committee
The charge of the Enrollment Management and Retention Committee is to take a comprehensive approach to the enrollment of students at the University of Mary Washington.
Leadership Council
The Leadership Council advises the President on matters of university business in an effort to improve communication and establish a sense of unity across the campus departments. The council meets once a month during the academic year in conjunction with the President’s Cabinet.
President’s Cabinet
The President’s Cabinet advises the President on matters of university business during weekly meetings.
President’s Council on Sustainability
The President’s Council on Sustainability is charged with the creation of a five-year plan and making recommendations on sustainability issues and policy, developing strategies for implementation of sustainability initiatives, and providing a cohesive public face for UMW sustainability efforts.
President’s Roundtable
The President’s Roundtable is comprised of regional business leaders, agency heads, and public officials who serve in an advisory capacity to the President of the University.
Scheduling System Task Force
The Scheduling System Task Force is charged with determining the best and most comprehensive approach to solving the scheduling needs of University units.
Staff Advisory Council
The Staff Advisory Council is an elected body of classified, wage, and administrative staff whose purpose is to promote collaboration and ensure open communication channels throughout all levels of the University.
Summer Conferencing Task Force
The Summer Conferencing Task Force is developing a detailed strategic plan to increase summer conferencing at UMW.
Technology Advisory Council
The Technology Advisory Council is charged with advising the President and the Cabinet on matters relating to academic technologies, information resources, and libraries.
Town and Gown Committee
The Town and Gown Committee was established in 2007 to promote positive relations between the University and the residents of the City’s neighborhoods surrounding the Fredericksburg Campus.