Vice President for Economic Development and Regional Engagement


Meta R. Braymer


Meta R. Braymer is Vice President for Economic Development and Regional Engagement at the University of Mary Washington and leads the University’s Center for Economic Development.  UMW’s  Small Business Development Center, the professional development programs, and the UMW campus in Dahlgren, which opened in January 2012, are part of the new center, which is also now affiliated with the Fredericksburg Regional Alliance.  The primary role of the Center is to support the regional jurisdictions in their efforts to promote the economic development of the region by functioning as a central point of contact to tap the intellectual capital of UMW faculty and students.

Previously, Dr. Braymer served as UMW’s Associate Provost for the Division of Professional Development and Regional Engagement and as Vice President and Dean for Graduate and Professional Studies. Prior to coming to UMW in 1990, she served as Director of Evening, Summer and Off-Campus Credit Programs at Virginia Commonwealth University.  Braymer is active in the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Stafford Rotary, the University Economic Development Council in Virginia, the International Economic Development Council, and a founding member of Women Executives in Virginia Higher Education (WEVHE) and Virginia Engage Network.

Visit the Center for Economic Development website to learn more.